We ambled through the park over to the mineralogy and paleontology buildings. The paleontology museum, seen here, is one of my favorite places, maybe partly because I can only imagine what it's like to visit. It's never been open when I've been in the park. In fact, I thought for a long time it was closed to the public, and now that I've seen photos online, I'm sure I need to go back to Paris just to see it!

Here's another view of the long building as we walked through the arcade of trees (below) heading toward the entrance to this building and to the park.

These green installations ran nearly the length of the park, telling about the various ages in the Earth's history. This one says 3500 million years - the beginning of life on Earth.

And here's one of Earth's early inhabitants, Stegosaurus, along with "archaic" plants, as the sign tells us in the photo below.

This guy is the greeter outside the paleontology museum. I don't remember his name. Below is the main entrance.

I love this door. Not much more needs to be said. Too bad the place was closed.

Directly above the entrance.

A window on the facade of the building decorated with ancient crabs and lizards.

There was a lobster-looking thing above, but if you look at it, it looks more like a cross between a horseshoe crab (which is an ancient form, I think) and a lobster.

I can't say I love the McDonald's placed here, but in a strange way (absurdly, not artistically or culturally) I do love the juxtaposition.

Does the term "super-size" come to mind? I wonder what
Buffon would have though of the McDonald's on the street named after him? Oh well, maybe he would have liked yucky burgers - as long as they aren't selling mammoth burgers. In Europe, most of the golden arches don't reach to the sky; they're built into the ground level of existing buildings with something else above. Buffon, by the way, is well placed near this mammoth. He (Buffon) openly challenged a belief held in his time and espoused by the church, that the Earth was no older than 6,000 years. The mammoth has nice eyes - they look alive.
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