Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 11: A dynamic class in marketing for difficult economic times

It's rare these days when I get up in the dark, because I've been working the other end of the day, staying up late at the computer. But CEDR (Clatsop Economic Development Resource) was putting on a free seminar with marketing guru Robert Sherk from Portland as the speaker.

Our business class teacher, Jim Entler, said that Bob knew marketing like few people do, and I have to say this class was well worth getting up for. He was very entertaining, which is not necessary, but makes it more fun, of course, and he had tons of great ideas for businesses of any size. I took lots of notes as well as taking home the hand-outs. We'll be putting a lot of the ideas to work here at Tapir and Friends. I was pleased to note that we already do some of the things he mentioned quite well. Others were good reminders, and still others were new. His suggestions were illustrated with stories. All in all, it was a great experience. If you get a chance, keep an eye out for more CEDR presentations - and you can't beat the price. No, they didn't pay me to advertise this, it was really worthwhile. I don't know when I've been up early in the last few months, but I like it. I might try getting to bed on time, though that may take some doing. I love working into the night on stuff I enjoy.

The seminar was held at the Seaside Convention Center. Coming out after the class, I wanted to take a photo of a crow in a tree over the sidewalk, but I just didn't do it. Not sure why. I guess I wanted to get home to lunch. After conscientiously avoiding the complimentary doughnuts, sweet rolls, and muffins, I was hungry.

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