Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bank Posters at Auction

Photos of all posters by Jim Northrup.
If you happen to copy any, please credit Jim
for the photos and Robert A. Wilson
for the artwork. If you feel like making
a link to my blog, that's cool, too!

For those who remember The Bank rock'n'roll club in Torrance in 1968, or just like estoteric rock memorabilia, these rare posters are at auction for the next few hours. They were drawn by my first husband, Bob Wilson (Robert A. Wilson). Interesting stuff and fun memories getting to see the groups for free each week (free for me, he had to draw the poster!). Check out The HeART of Rock and Roll for lots of vintage and collectible posters from an age of the most amazing music. If you're so inclined, type the word "bank" in the search box. I couldn't make a direct link to the search results.

I still have a few, and I regret not trying to take my own photos, but it will be fun to post details of the ones I have left at some future date.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.

1 comment:

Francisca said...

Very talented, your fist hubby. :-)