Saturday, April 08, 2006

A rock fish in Newport

A rock fish in the Oregon Coast Aquarium

I LOVE watching fish under water, and I'm learning to take pictures of them. Here's a nice rock fish of some kind at the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport, March 11, 2006. Taking pictures is much easier when you're out of the water and the fish is behind glass, but someday I want to learn how to take pictures while snorkeling. I think I finally figured it out as far as the aquarium pictures go. Hopefully next underwater viewing, more of the images will be in focus.

Lee and I drove down from Astoria on an incredibly beautiful windblown day. The sea was high, the waves were crashing and foaming. The photos don't do justice to the day, but I'll try to post some soon anyway. The Oregon coast is stunning.


Anonymous said...

Lovely! I adore aquariums but can never get good photos.

tapirgal said...

I'm using a small digital camera without any fancy lenses. I take a lot of photos in poor light (it's rainy Oregon, after all) for the online gift shop. For that, I have learned to boost the lighting up to about +7 on the camea setting. I thought that would apply to fish in poor lighting, but I finally realized that you do the OPPOSITE for the fish. Take the light setting down a few notches. It also helps if the fish are taking a NAP! If anyone else has ideas, please let us know.